
We now cover a larger area!

Do you have a property to sell in the North East? We don’t just cover South Tyneside; our success has seen a demand in other areas and we have local agents across the North East ready and waiting to value your home.

If you have a property to sell, get in touch for a free valuation. We promise an accurate, honest valuation meaning you can make an informed decision on your next steps without the ‘sales pitch’ or any ulterior motives. Not only will we provide a valuation we will also advise you on the best marketing strategy to get the results you want. From Staging to Auction routes, selling houses is not a ‘one size fits all’, our knowledgeable, local agents have vast experience within the sector and will always advise not only on all options, but make a recommendation on the best route for you.

We now cover a larger area!

Do you have a property to sell in the North East? We don’t just cover South Tyneside; our success has seen a demand in other areas and we have local agents across the North East ready and waiting to value your home.
If you have a property to sell, get in touch for a free valuation. We promise an accurate, honest valuation meaning you can make an informed decision on your next steps without the ‘sales pitch’ or any ulterior motives. Not only will we provide a valuation we will also advise you on the best marketing strategy to get the results you want. From Staging to Auction routes, selling houses is not a ‘one size fits all’, our knowledgeable, local agents have vast experience within the sector and will always advise not only on all options, but make a recommendation on the best route for you.